Massage infused Craniosacral Therapy
Everyone knows about massage... the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain.
Craniosacral Therapy may not be widely known. It's a gentle hands-on, holistic approach that addresses various conditions and promotes health restoration.
Let's envision the scene of this unique session:
Prepare yourself for a rejuvenating massage experience: undress and lie down on the table.
Our incredible therapist will enter a deep meditative state, establishing a connection with your system.
She will apply hand-warmed oil to your body, tuning in to identify patterns that are ready to be released.
It is a full body massage for 90 mins.
You may find yourself deeply relaxed, teetering on the edge of sleep, and perhaps even noticing various sensations throughout your body.
The therapist will perform several craniosacral holds starting at your head and concluding the whole session at your feet.
She may pause at specific areas to encourage stillness for the patterns that are present there.
As you may already know, transformation occurs in moments of stillness.
This pause will feel just right for you.
By the end of the session, you will experience a more profound connection with yourself and an overall sense of well-being.
This massage offers a deep session that encompasses your entire being, not merely the physical body.
Click on the button to book this treatment with Emma: